Our Friend Moon is a small ode to nature as a source of beauty, comfort, and metaphor. Like friends and family throughout a day, a month, or a year, the moon cycles between presence and distance. Hello. Goodbye. Hello again. Waxing gibbous. Waning crescent. Full again. Even though the moon is sometimes out of sight, it always comes back with its warm embrace like a parent after a day at preschool or Grandma’s house. The moon is not only beautiful, but dependable. We can count on it. It is there for us.
This delightful, circle-shaped book also invites little ones to become observers of the world around them, encouraging them to look around (and up!). Patterns are everywhere and nature’s cycles abound. An appreciation for nature begins with noticing. After reading Our Friend Moon, children will love spotting the moon in the sky, pointing to it, and sharing their observation with loved ones. They can even learn the scientific terms for the moon’s phases from the diagram in the back of the book!
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