Our team will support your book's marketing within the book trade. This includes targeted email campaigns, newsletter features, placement in all relevant publisher directories, and creating graphics and ads for your Edelweiss listing (a catalog tool accessible to all book buyers).
Your book may also be featured at select trade shows, depending on the discretion of our Publisher and Distributors. We’ll handle Amazon optimization, including A+ content, and submit your book for trade reviews in industry publications like Publishers Weekly, Kirkus Reviews, and Shelf Awareness.
We also produce a seasonal print catalog, present your book at our bi-annual sales conference, and develop marketing campaigns for relevant sales channels. However, we do not guarantee paid online or print trade advertising.
Any marketing materials specifically created for your book, such as ARCs, BLADs, bookmarks, or stickers, will be the responsibility of the author to cover. We recommend that authors allocate a marketing budget of $3,000 to $7,500 to fully support their book's promotion.
Please note that The Collective Book Studio does not cover costs associated with travel to trade shows or author events.
Additionally, The Collective Book Studio has an in-house PR professional dedicated to promoting the brand. We offer opportunities for round-ups and other seasonal pitches at the publisher’s discretion.