About the Book

It's a game! It's a journal! It's Wonder Hunt!

Join your guide, Aunt Lea, on a treasure hunt designed to spark curiosity about the world around you.

Open these pages to find:

•An epic list of 500 everyday treasures for you to seek, find, and marvel at.
•Bingo "chip" stickers to track your discoveries.
•25-item bingo boards, in 20 themed chapters.
•Questions to ignite wonder about the items you discover.

As you seek your 500 wonders, you will:

•Explore the world
•Connect with nature
•Activate your senses
•Learn about yourself

Good luck, fellow wonder hunter!

Awards and Press

Meet the Author and Illustrator

Lea Redmond reveals the extraordinary hiding in the ordinary: a saltshaker, a penny, hand gestures, clouds. Lea creates books, toys, games and small adventures that invite humans of all ages to be curious, playful, and kind. Lea works and plays in Oakland, California. You can visit her world of wonder at LeaRedmond.com.